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HomeResearchResearch groups

Aalborg University Business School

The International Business Research Group

Aalborg University Business School

The International Business Research Group

The International Business Research Group (IBG) at Aalborg University Business School aims to provide innovative research, inspirational Problem-Based Learning (PBL) education, and service in the disciplinary area of international business. International business and entrepreneurship knowledge should enable students, companies, local communities, and society at large to meet societal grand challenges in a changing world order characterised by increasingly complex velocity, connectivity, and interdependence. 

Our key values are: Happiness, innovative ideation, community, and inclusiveness.
Our motivation is captured by a common belief in: Dream - Aspire - Dare.
We stand on: RespectNurture - Agility.

Members of the research group


Research group leader

Dmitrij Slepniov
Phone: +45 9940 8992
Email: ds@business.aau.dk

Research secretary

Michael Simonsen
Phone: +45 9940 8432
Email: mks@business.aau.dk