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Aalborg University Business School

Student and career guidance

As a student on Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS) you can get study counselling from both central and local student counsellors. The local student counsellors are students at one of our study programmes who are passionate about their own and fellow students’ education. The central student counsellors are from Aalborg University's central student guidance office.

Studerende på AAU Business School. Foto: Per Bille

Aalborg University Business School

Student and career guidance

As a student on Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS) you can get study counselling from both central and local student counsellors. The local student counsellors are students at one of our study programmes who are passionate about their own and fellow students’ education. The central student counsellors are from Aalborg University's central student guidance office.

Studerende på AAU Business School. Foto: Per Bille

What can the student counsellors assist with?

Local student counsellors