Aalborg University Business School

Aalborg University Business School

Every year we send students to study at partner universities, and we welcome exchange students from our partners around the world. We strive to give all our international students the best possible AAU experience.
We deliver relevant research of the highest quality in our strive to contribute with business-critical insights that make a difference to society. We build strong partnerships through research collaboration with like-minded educational institutions thereby enhancing knowledge sharing and thinking for the future.
Since 1997 Aalborg University has been a member of ECIU (The European consortium of Innovative Universities), which is a European network with focus on innovation activities.
Read more about ECIU on the ECIU homepage.
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support the mobility of students and staff. All our Erasmus+ partners offer studies in the field of business, management and economics.
Read more about Erasmus+ on the homepage of the European Commission.
NOREK is a Nordplus network in business and economics - student and staff exchange to Nordic countries. The network consists of 26 Nordic partner universities offering studies in the field of business, management and economics.
Read more about Nordplus on the homepage of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
Sino-Danish Centre for Education and Research (SDC)
SDC is a network between eight Danish universities, the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and the University and the Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS). SDC’s activities include Danish-Chinese research collaborations within a number of focus areas, eight double-degree master's programmes with an annual intake of approx. 150 master's students and education of a large number of PhD students. At the Faculty of Social Sciences and Aalborg University Business School, the collaboration was anchored in relation to the establishment of the Innovation Management programme in 2011.
AAUBS actively participates in associations and network both nationally and internationally focusing on our core research disciplines.
Business councils in the Danish municipalities
AAUBS has contacts with a wide range of companies in the Danish municipalities, e.g. The Municipality of Aalborg (in Danish).
Danish Management Society
The Danish Management Society (VL) is the leadning Danish non-profit network for industry leaders; C-suite executives, board members, politicians and opinion leaders.
Denmark's cluster organisation for digital technologies, DigitalLead, is a gathering point for digital innovation - for companies developing digital solutions as well as for other industries and sectors in need of innovative digital solutions.
Read more on the DigitalLead homepage (in Danish).
DRUID network
DRUID promotes excellent Danish research on innovation and the dynamics of structural, institutional and geographic change by organising two annual conferences: The DRUID Academy for Ph.D. students and the DRUID conference for all researchers.
Read more on the DRIUD homepage.
Since 1997 Aalborg University has been a member of ECIU (The European consortium of Innovative Universities), which is a European network with focus on innovation activities.
Read more on the ECIU homepage.
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support the mobility of students and staff. All our Erasmus+ partners offer studies in the field of business, management and economics.
Read more about Erasmus+ on the homepage of the European Commission.
Erhverv Norddanmark - Chamber of Commerce
Erhverv Norddanmark - Chamber of Commerce brings together companies and people working in trade, industry, service, and liberal professions to make the Aalborg region desirable to operate and develop business in.
Read more on the Erhverv Norddanmark homepage.
European Economic Association
The European Economic Association (EEA) is an International scientific body that promotes the development of economic science throughout Europe, as well as communication between teachers, researchers and students, the links between university and research centers.
Read more on the EEA homepage.
International Society for Professional Innovation Management
The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) is a community of members from research, industry, consulting and the public sector, all sharing a passion for innovation management - how to successfully create new products, processes and services from ideas to stimulate economic growth and well-being.
Read more on the ISPIM homepage.
NOREK is a Nordplus network in business and economics - student and staff exchange to Nordic countries. The network consists of 26 Nordic partner universities offering studies in the field of business, management and economics.
Read more about Nordplus on the homepage of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
The Nordic Research School in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (NORSI) is a networked based research school for PhD students in the Nordic countries within the field of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Read more on the NORSI homepage.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. The goal of OECD is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all.
Read more on the OECD homepage.
Port of Aalborg
Port of Aalborg is a modern inland port with a 360 degree view, multimodal logistics solutions, and an unambiguous focus on supporting the realisation of Aalborg Municipality's business and sustainability strategy.
Read more on the Port of Aalborg homepage.
Sino-Danish Centre for Education and Research (SDC)
SDC is a network between eight Danish universities, the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and the University and the Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS). SDC’s activities include Danish-Chinese research collaborations within a number of focus areas, eight double-degree master's programmes with an annual intake of approx. 150 master's students and education of a large number of PhD students. At the Faculty of Social Sciences and Aalborg University Business School, the collaboration was anchored in relation to the establishment of the Innovation Management programme in 2011.
Read more on the SDC homepage.
Supporting Entrepreneurship at AAU
The mission of Supporting Entrepreneurship at AAU (SEA) is to support, facilitate and motivate to knowledge-based entrepreneurship, in particularly among students, but also graduates, PhDs, instructors and other staff at AAU.
Read more on the SEA homepage.
World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum is the international organisation for public-private cooperation.
AAUBS welcomes the active exchange of faculty with partner institutions.
Bernhard Lingens, Visiting Professor, Institute of Marketing and Analytics (IMA), University of Lucerne.