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Aalborg University Business School

Research groups

Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS) has seven research groups (core disciplines) which altogether conduct research within the broad fields of business administration and economics incl. economics, accounting, finance, innovation, marketing, international business, organisation and management.

AAU Business School. Foto: Per Bille

Aalborg University Business School

Research groups

Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS) has seven research groups (core disciplines) which altogether conduct research within the broad fields of business administration and economics incl. economics, accounting, finance, innovation, marketing, international business, organisation and management.

AAU Business School. Foto: Per Bille

  • Accounting

    The Accounting Research Group embodies financial accounting and auditing, public and private sector management accounting, performance measurement, Activity Based Costing, budgeting and business models.


  • Finance

    The Finance Research Group brings together several experts in areas of finance research.


  • Innovation, Knowledge and Economic Dynamics

    The Innovation, Knowledge and Economic Dynamics Research Group (IKE) focuses on innovation studies, industrial economics and entrepreneurship.


  • International Business

    The International Business Research Group aims to provide innovative research, inspirational Problem-Based Learning (PBL) education, and service in the disciplinary area of international business.


  • Macroeconomic Methodology, Theory and Economic Policy

    The Macroeconomic Methodology, Theory and Economic Policy Research Group (MAMTEP) focuses on the complexities of the processes of adjustment in a modern monetary macroeconomic system.


  • Marketing and Market Processes

    The Marketing and Market Processes Research Group aims to create a better understanding of business and consumer practices that result from changing economies and societies.


  • Strategy, Organisation and Management

    The Strategy, Organisation and Management group (SOM) works with aspects of the business economy and administration research field.
