Aalborg University Business School
Cooperation with researchers

Aalborg University Business School
Cooperation with researchers

The researchers at Aalborg University Business School are organised in research groups focusing on:
- Accounting
- Finance
- Innovation, Knowledge and Economic Dynamics
- International Business
- Macroeconomic Methodology, Theory and Economic Policy
- Marketing and Sales
- Strategy, Organization and Management
Whereas the research groups are the centres of research at AAUBS, we have also established a range of Labs, which are centred on themes that typically cut across different disciplines, and are specifically oriented towards external cooperation. These Labs are:
- AI Growth Lab
- Business Design Lab
- Impact Lab
- Strategic Management Lab
- Sustainability Lab
There are a wide range of options for cooperating with AAUBS. Generally, we distinguish between cooperation with students and cooperation with researchers. However, cooperating with students sometimes also leads to cooperation with researchers – and the other way around.