Employer panels
Aalborg University Business School
The employer panels are an important part of Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS). The panels give challenging input on how we can develop our degree programmes and inspire us to talk about ourselves in new ways and from new perspectives.
The employer panels consist of representatives from public and private sector companies, organisations and institutions. The members must have experience with and insight into the educational area and the areas of employment to which the respective study programmes provide access.
Aalborg University Business School wishes to strengthen the relationship between our students and their prospective employers and has therefore invited students to join the employer panel. In this way we aim to help establish networks between our graduates and relevant business stakeholders.
Appointments to the employer panels are made by the Dean on recommendation from the study board. The individual members are appointed for four years at a time. The employer panels meet with the Head of The Study Board and other representatives from the business school twice a year.
The role of the employer panels includes counselling on:
- the development of degree programmes, course elements, forms of teaching, types of examination and evaluation in relation to the demands of the labour market as well as competence requirements in a national and international context
- the labour market’s need for further and continuing education based on the graduates’ Master’s degree qualifications
Additionally, the employer panels are included in the strategy development work, particularly with regard to the correlation between the number of graduates from each programme and the potential labour market.
Employer panel - Economics (Økonomi)
Employer panel - Economics and Business Administration (Erhvervsøkonomi)
Employer panel - HD & MBA (in Danish)
Louise Bay Langberg Jensen
Email: kvalitet@business.aau.dk