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Aalborg University Business School


Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS) is administered by a Head of Business School supported by a management team.

Aalborg University Business School. Photo: Per Bille

Aalborg University Business School


Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS) is administered by a Head of Business School supported by a management team.

Aalborg University Business School. Photo: Per Bille

The head and the management team set the direction for the school in accordance with its mission statement and are overall responsible for the school’s budget and day-to-day operations.

In order to enhance knowledge sharing and cross-cutting research collaboration, the school has established a Professor Council consisting of all the school’s full professors and research group leaders. Head of school and vice head of school for research and funding are born members. The council is a forum for discussion of issues related to research leadership and attraction of external research funding.

In addition, Aalborg University Business School has a Business Advisory Council (BAC) and a School Council, which advise management in matters concerning, among others, the school’s strategic, academic and discipline-specific issues. 

Aalborg University Business School is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) at Aalborg University. The head of AAUBS refers to the Dean of the Faculty.

Study Boards at AAUBS

The study board is responsible for the organisation, completion and development of study programmes and teaching in the programmes affiliated to the board and consists of selected representatives of the teachers and students in the programmes. A chairman is chosen among the study board’s teacher representatives, and a deputy chairman is chosen among the study board’s student representatives. Each of the programmes that fall under the study board is headed by a course coordinator who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the programme, e.g. conducting teachers’ meetings and similar. Each study board has an employer panel that meets twice a year to discuss relevant focus areas. The purpose of these meetings is to maintain ongoing dialogue, discussing and further developing the interplay between the content of the study programs and the development and demand of the business sector.

Study Board of EconomicsStudy Board of Economics and Business AdministrationStudy Board of MBA and HD